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How to choose the wash basin size for the bathroom cabinet
Release time:2020-03-30 Hits: 【Print】

What is the size of wash basin in bathroom cabinet
Size of wash basin in bathroom cabinet -- common shape
Now on the market, the style of sanitary wash basin is more than that of hinge. The common shapes of wash basin in toilet are rectangle, square and circle. Guide shape, fan and many other personalized design. And
According to the style, type, material, quality and brand of washbasin, the size of washbasin in toilet is also different, so it is difficult to make a detailed list of the size of washbasin in toilet.
Among them, the most important impact factor is the style of the wash basin. For example, the size of the rectangular wash basin is often within the specification range of 600 × 400mm, 600 × 460mm, 800 + 500mm, and the round wash basin
The basin size is calculated by the diameter, for example, the diameter of 400 version m, 460mn and 600mm are the common sizes of round wash basins on the market.
Size of wash basin in bathroom cabinet -- common specifications
The size of the wash basin in the toilet is very important for our future use. How much is the size of the wash basin in the toilet? The size of toilet hand washing salt should be based on
The size of the toilet is determined by the size. The smallest wash basin on the market is 310m, and other specifications are 330 + 360m, 550 × 330mm, eo0 × 400mm, 600 × 46omm, 800 + 500nm, 700 + 530mm,
900 + 520mm, 1000: * 520m, now many enterprises provide customized bathroom, which can be based on the size of the ticket you need. Shape to customize.
Size of wash basin of bathroom cabinet -- Specification
The size of the hand washing table has the smallest control, the minimum width is 550m, and one side is 600m. In order to save space, the toilet reduces the hand washing table to about 300MN, but even if it does
Now, it's impossible for a washbasin to be only 300 MN wide. It's not convenient for you to put things on the washstand. In addition, guanjin is a 550m clearance ruler from the center of the basin to the walls on both sides,
That is to say, you should have 1100 headroom to put your noodle stand, otherwise it will be awkward to use, so you can practice your opinions on big match.
Bathroom cabinet wash basin size - height
Although the height of wash basin is not very concerned, it's a problem that can't be forgiven. It's inconvenient to install the wash basin too high and use it too low, which makes it easy for people to stand on the back of the waist
In general, the family has no special demand for hand washing, but they also have a rule
Fan Guanyuan, when installing the medicine, keep the distance between the port surface or the platform and the ground plateau of the bay between 80-86 meters. Some of the plants use it because of the high life span. They need to use the conventional washing danger zigaoshu discomfort platform
The height of washbasin should be adjusted properly. In this case, the height of washbasin should be measured according to the height of Chinese users.