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Professional matt color wall mounted wc and bidet factory in China
Release time:2020-03-05 Hits: 【Print】

Good afternoon!
Once more thank you very much for the nice meeting we had in your factory.
With reference to our meeting and our conversation, we like to forward the following urgent inquiry to you.
Please check the attached drawing very carefully. Note that the drawing is based on an matt color wash basin,wall hung toilet and bidet, which is suitable for the wall mounting.
For the ceramic series it must be adjusted and designed accordingly. The thickness is mapped with 15mm, but is is allowed to become thinner - 12mm if possible.
The customer plans this series in about 3 or 4 sizes but we do need a competitive price for the 1000mm basin first.
Please offer the 600mm,700mm,800mm,900mm,1000mm slim thin ceramic caibnet basin according to the above mentioned points, including time schedule, mould costs and with your ceramic technical drawing.
This could be our first mutual series, but at first we need to get your best quotation from you. If prices will not convince our customer, he will not send us drawings for the other sizes.
If any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.